NO!104実弾訓練、NO!オスプレイ  東富士で集会とデモ                  









USA大統領様                     2012年9月8日

日本国首相様 防衛大臣様               富士を撃つな!実行委員会













“Don’t Shoot Mt. Fuji” Executive Committee


September 8, 2012


A Petition to Stop the 104 Drill and the Osprey Drill


Dear Mr. President of the United States of America and Prime Minister of Japan,


We are a group called the “Don’t Shoot Mt. Fuji” Executive Committee, which is comprised of citizens’ organizations and labor unions based in Shizuoka.  We are a group that is against war and seeking peace.  The 104 Drill, live-fire operations conducted across Okinawa Prefecture Route104 and partially moved to Higashi-Fuji Shooting Range on the mainland is going to be conducted on September 9th as part of the decentralization of Okinawa operations.

We are resolutely against the Drill, which involves a Battalion of Marines (numbering about 280, 70 tanks and 8 155mm cannons being used at the base of Mt. Fuji.  We demand it stop right now. 

This is the11th time the Marine Corp has carried out drills at Higashi-Fuji.  This operation is part of the assault training for the US to conduct global war, which leads to the massacre of citizens in Asia and other parts of the world. Regular live-fire military training is already being conducted at the Higashi-Fuji Shooting Range.  The 104 Drill will expand the US military presence in Japan.  It started as a plausible excuse to reduce the burden on Okinawa. However, it will spread a feeling of military tension throughout Japan for the purpose of aiding the global presence of the US military.  The transfer of the live-fire exercises utilizes civilian transportation companies, increases the frequency of night-time drills, and extends the scale of the 104 Drill from a company to a battalion level, drawing Japan further into US military affairs.

Furthermore, the US military is going to dispose the Osprey in Okinawa, which will fly all over Japan to carry out the drill for active service, Iwakuni and Higashi-Fuji being their strongpoint.  The Osprey is a military aircraft that has a history of crashing.  To fly such air crafts over Japan means that the Japan-US Security Treaty exists not to secure the security of the Japanese people but to neglect it.  It should be called “the Security Destruction Treaty” between the two governments.  Moreover, as the aim of the Osprey’s disposition is to make it possible to transport soldiers and munition for more than 1,000 km at a high altitude, it strengthens the invasion of Asia by the US military.

We strongly protest against the disposition of military aircrafts and drills.  We demand their removal.  Utilizing the territorial issues, the Japanese and the US governments are inflaming the antagonism among the Asian people, and are building up military strength in Okinawa.  However, we will not involved in this antagonism but seek social solidarity among the Asian people. The military strengthening by Japan and the US is not necessary for the peace in Asia.  We demand the two governments to reveal all the secret treaties concerning the nukes, security, and so forth.

  Shizuoka Prefecture is calling for the total recall of all military units at Mt. Fuji.  The contamination at the foot of Mt. Fuji by metal fragments, caused by the original live-fire drills, has been exacerbated by the continuation of the current live-fire exercises.  Mt. Fuji deserves to be a World Heritage Site, which has thus far been prevented by high levels of pollution.  We must stop the environmental devastation caused by Marines shooting at Mt. Fuji.

The deployment of the Osprey and the US Marine’s use of Japan to prepare for global war should be put to an end.  The U.S. troops should be recalled back to the US.  We demand that the disposition of the Ospreys the 104 Drill at Higashi Fuji be stopped and the removal of military bases inside Shizuoka be conducted immediately. 

              Yours Sincerely,


“Don’t Shoot Mt. Fuji” Executive Committee